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Sensory Lifestyle Design Group

Private·9 members


Welcome to the group! You can connect with other group participants, get updates and share additional content and resources with the group. Please remember the following:

  1. Be kind and curious, to yourself and others. Exploring sensory needs can be sensitive territory, so kindness goes a long way.

  2. Stay safe. Engage with the content and the group only when and how it feels helpful, and take your time to process things when you feel a strong internal response. If you're not sure how to do that, ask. We're here to help with that!

  3. Respect the privacy and content of this group. This is a private group. Please keep participant identities confidential and don't share content outside of the group without first getting permission (if the content is already available elsewhere, such as a link to a blog post or video, those can be reshared).

Thanks for being here!

Group Rules

Be Kind and Curious

Stay safe

Respect privacy


  • Private

    Only event guests can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • January 12, 2023


  • sensorynerds

    Created by

© 2023 by Sensory Nerds

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