Sensory Lifestyle Design Group
Welcome to the group! You can connect with other group participants, get updates and share additional content and resources with the group. Please remember the following:
Be kind and curious, to yourself and others. Exploring sensory needs can be sensitive territory, so kindness goes a long way.
Stay safe. Engage with the content and the group only when and how it feels helpful, and take your time to process things when you feel a strong internal response. If you're not sure how to do that, ask. We're here to help with that!
Respect the privacy and content of this group. This is a private group. Please keep participant identities confidential and don't share content outside of the group without first getting permission (if the content is already available elsewhere, such as a link to a blog post or video, those can be reshared).
Thanks for being here!
Group Rules
Be Kind and Curious
Stay safe
Respect privacy
- Private
Only event guests can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
January 12, 2023
Created by